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Association of IT Professionals

Research Triangle Park

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  • 27 Jul 2022 1:27 PM | Treasurer Board Member (Administrator)
    For every monthly program, we have an on-premisis and virtual offering.  We prefer face-to-face as we believe it enhances the networking experience; however, we understand at times travel and time can be a challenge.  
  • 1 Mar 2020 9:19 PM | President Board Member (Administrator)

    We value our members, guests and those who want to learn more about CompTIA AITP-RTP.   We listened to feedback and have moved to a new platform that puts improved tools and capabilities in your hands.  The board hopes you'll take a few minutes to look around and if you wish, please send feedback (supportive or critical - both have value).  Thank you and we hope to see you at one of our upcoming events.

    Rich Otteson

    President, CompTIA AITP-RTP

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About us

We welcome all IT professionals, from those just starting their career to those who’ve retired yet want to stay engaged, from front-line staff to executives, from long-term practitioners to those in transition, we believe our diversity is a differentiator.    

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