NC State University Club, 4200 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh, NC 27606
Learn More About AITP-RTP
Who Are We?
We're an inclusive network of Information Technology professionals, educators and students dedicated to continuing education, professional growth, leadership, and exploration of issues that face the IT industry. Members of the association work in many different disciplines, to include (but not limited to): life sciences, consulting, education, banking, insurance, Government, healthcare, manufacturing, retain, hardware and software and entrepreneurship.
We've Been Around for Some Time
The Association of Information
Technology Professionals (AITP) was founded in 1951 and the Research Triangle
Park (RTP) Chapter followed closely in 1952. There's been many changes and over the years the brand and Chapter has matured and much like like the IT profession, the national and local chapters have evolved
with the explosion and pervasiveness of technology that impact our every-day
lives. Read More
Become a member
While we welcome guests to any and all Chapter meetings and would like you to consider to JOIN-US.
About us
We welcome all IT professionals, from those just starting their career to those who’ve retired yet want to stay engaged, from front-line staff to executives, from long-term practitioners to those in transition, we believe our diversity is a differentiator.
Find us
Through theSPONSORSHIPof a program. Your your support will not go unnoticed.